This file is a complete listing of the changes in the TA Kingdoms Darien Crusades "CUT" retuning. There is a section for each unit. The lines that start with numbers refer to line numbers in the .fbi files, the lines that start with a "<" describe the old version, and the lines that start with ">" describe the new retuned version. For a detailed description of this output format and the program that created it: -Trouvere Archer - araarch.fbi 20c20 < damagecategory = Human; --- > damagecategory = Tier1; 68a69,71 > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; > stalwart = 0.25; Watch Tower - araat.fbi 15c15 < experiencepoints = 21; --- > experiencepoints = 31; 19c19 < maxdamage = 4700; --- > maxdamage = 5200; 53a54,57 > tier1 = 2.0; > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; > stalwart = 0.25; 71a76,79 > tier1 = 2.0; > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; > stalwart = 0.25; Mage Archer - arabow.fbi 61a62 > explosionclass = teeny explosion; 63c64 < name = Standard Arrow; --- > name = Magic Arrow; Barbarian - arabroad.fbi 27c27 < maxvelocity = 1; --- > maxvelocity = 1.4; 63c63,64 < default = 640; --- > default = 740; > tier1 = 2.0; Mage Builder - arabuild.fbi 10c10 < buildcost = 443; --- > buildcost = 643; 14c14 < buildtime = 140; --- > buildtime = 175; 28c28 < healtime = 0.583333333; --- > healtime = 1.166666666; 68c68 < reloadtime = 2; --- > reloadtime = 3.8; 80c80,81 < default = 216; --- > default = 250; > lodestone = 1.5; Cannoneer - aracan.fbi 28c28 < maxdamage = 2200; --- > maxdamage = 2600; 30c30 < movementclass = GROUND4; --- > movementclass = GROUND5; 58a59 > edgeeffectiveness = 0.75; 62c63 < range = 600; --- > range = 800; 74a76,77 > fort = 1.25; > factory = 1.25; Keep - aracastl.fbi 8c8 < buildtime = 1522; --- > buildtime = 1622; 19c19 < experiencepoints = 100; --- > experiencepoints = 300; Gold Dragon - aradrag.fbi 12c12 < buildcost = 43944; --- > buildcost = 28944; 92c92 < areaofeffect = 45; --- > areaofeffect = 100; 112c112 < default = 845; --- > default = 1245; 127c127 < manapershot = 900; --- > manapershot = 1300; Flying Builder - arafly.fbi 27,28c27,28 < cruisalt = 200; < damagecategory = Human; --- > cruisealt = 200; > damagecategory = monster; 39,40c39,40 < mogriumincome = 1; < mogriumstorage = 150; --- > mogriumincome = 2; > mogriumstorage = 200; Avatar of Anu - aragod.fbi Barracks - arakeep.fbi 20c20 < experiencepoints = 200; --- > experiencepoints = 100; Elsin - araking.fbi 13c13 < buildtime = 10; --- > buildtime = 100000; 29,31c29,31 < experiencepoints = 151; < healtime = 0.041666667; < manarechargerate = 20; --- > experiencepoints = 350; > healtime = 216.67; > manarechargerate = 15; 86c86 < default = 950; --- > default = 1250; 115c115,116 < default = 2000; --- > default = 2200; > dragon = 2.0; 150a152,153 > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; Horseman - araknigh.fbi 8c8 < bodytype = armor; --- > bodytype = flesh; 10,11c10,11 < buildcost = 665; < buildtime = 188; --- > buildcost = 765; > buildtime = 198; 20c20 < damagecategory = Human; --- > damagecategory = Tier1; 61c61,64 < default = 333; --- > default = 435; > fort = 0.5; > factory = 0.5; > stalwart = 0.5; Lodestone - aralode.fbi 11c11 < experiencepoints = 6; --- > experiencepoints = 5; Divine Lodestone - aramana.fbi 4,5c4,5 < buildcost = 8564; < buildtime = 1450; --- > buildcost = 3564; > buildtime = 550; 11c11 < experiencepoints = 13; --- > experiencepoints = 30; 14,15c14,15 < healtime = 4.175; < maxdamage = 15092; --- > healtime = 2.175; > maxdamage = 17092; Acolyte - arapries.fbi 11c11 < buildcost = 5917; --- > buildcost = 4417; 15c15 < buildtime = 1108; --- > buildtime = 708; 28,29c28,29 < experiencepoints = 35; < healtime = 4.616666667; --- > experiencepoints = 50; > healtime = 2.95; 32c32 < maxdamage = 2300; --- > maxdamage = 2800; 35c35 < mogriumincome = 1; --- > mogriumincome = 5; 109,137d108 < areaofeffect = 200; < buttonimagedisabled = HailStormPU; < buttonimagedown = HailStormPU; < buttonimageselected = HailStormSBh; < buttonimageup = HailStormSB; < duration = 2.5; < edgeeffectiveness = 0.75; < explosionclass = iceballexp; < manapershot = 600; < name = Hail Shower; < nimbus = 1; < particlespersecond = 5; < range = 400; < reloadtime = 5; < soundhitclass = rock; < subtype = hailstorm; < type = Remote Effect; < waterexplosionclass = medium water explosion; < weaponart = iceballspin; < weaponvelocity = 1000; < < [DAMAGE] < { < default = 70; < } < } < < [WEAPON3] < { 145c116 < manapershot = 750; --- > manapershot = 250; 150c121 < reloadtime = 5; --- > reloadtime = 3.5; 159a131,159 > } > } > > [WEAPON3] > { > areaofeffect = 200; > buttonimagedisabled = HailStormPU; > buttonimagedown = HailStormPU; > buttonimageselected = HailStormSBh; > buttonimageup = HailStormSB; > duration = 2.5; > edgeeffectiveness = 0.75; > explosionclass = iceballexp; > manapershot = 900; > name = Hail Shower; > nimbus = 1; > particlespersecond = 10; > range = 400; > reloadtime = 4; > soundhitclass = rock; > subtype = hailstorm; > type = Remote Effect; > waterexplosionclass = medium water explosion; > weaponart = iceballspin; > weaponvelocity = 1000; > > [DAMAGE] > { > default = 400; Catapult - arapult.fbi 11,12c11,12 < buildcost = 751; < buildtime = 165; --- > buildcost = 1451; > buildtime = 235; 24,25c24,25 < experiencepoints = 24; < healtime = 0.6875; --- > experiencepoints = 25; > healtime = 0.9791667; 29c29 < movementclass = GROUND4; --- > movementclass = GROUND5; 61a62 > minrange = 180; 76a78,79 > fort = 1.25; > factory = 1.25; Rolling Tower - arasiege.fbi 12c12 < buildtime = 1417; --- > buildtime = 1217; 20a21 > cantransport = 1; 27c28 < experiencepoints = 37; --- > experiencepoints = 47; 46a48,51 > transportcapacity = 4; > transportdistance = 200; > transportsize = 9; > transportsizecapacity = 16; 70a76,78 > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; > naval = 0.5; 88a97,99 > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; > stalwart = 0.25; Titan - arasmith.fbi 20c20 < damagecategory = monster; --- > damagecategory = stalwart; 71c71,73 < default = 500; --- > default = 700; > fort = 2.0; > factory = 2.0; Assassin - araspy.fbi 10c10 < buildcost = 2509; --- > buildcost = 1509; 28c28 < manarechargerate = 10; --- > manarechargerate = 15; 31c31 < maxmana = 1000; --- > maxmana = 1500; 64c64 < reloadtime = 4.1; --- > reloadtime = 3.1; 78a79 > tier1 = 6; 79a81 > stalwart = 6; Stronghold - arassh.fbi 16c16 < experiencepoints = 57; --- > experiencepoints = 61; 20c20 < maxdamage = 18500; --- > maxdamage = 23500; 43c43 < areaofeffect = 50; --- > areaofeffect = 65; 45c45 < edgeeffectiveness = 0.1; --- > edgeeffectiveness = 0.2; 50c50 < reloadtime = 4; --- > reloadtime = 3; 61c61,62 < default = 1125; --- > default = 1225; > tier1 = 2.0; Swordsman - arasword.fbi 11c11 < buildtime = 99; --- > buildtime = 90; 20c20 < damagecategory = HUMAN; --- > damagecategory = Tier1; 24c24 < healtime = 0.4125; --- > healtime = 0.375; 26c26 < maxdamage = 2500; --- > maxdamage = 3000; 63a64,66 > fort = 0.5; > factory = 0.5; > stalwart = 0.5; Trebuchet - aratre.fbi War Galley - arawar.fbi 8c8 < buildcost = 2319; --- > buildcost = 2619; 25c25 < experiencepoints = 27; --- > experiencepoints = 37; 29c29 < maxdamage = 4527; --- > maxdamage = 6527; 65,66c65,66 < range = 485; < reloadtime = 2.4; --- > range = 550; > reloadtime = 3.7; 73c73 < weaponvelocity = 420; --- > weaponvelocity = 760; 79a80,101 > > [WEAPON2] > { > aimtolerance = 1024; > model = araarrow; > name = anti-air arrows; > range = 380; > reloadtime = 3.1; > soundhitclass = arrow; > type = Ballistic; > waterexplosionclass = small water explosion; > weaponvelocity = 420; > > [DAMAGE] > { > default = 252; > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; > stalwart = 0.25; > } > } > Ghoul - monghoul.fbi 11c11 < buildtime = 300; --- > buildtime = 120; 18a19 > damagecategory = undead; 21,22c22,23 < experiencepoints = 7; < healtime = 1.25; --- > experiencepoints = 17; > healtime = 0.5; 24c25 < maxdamage = 3000; --- > maxdamage = 5900; 60c61 < default = 284; --- > default = 1061; Skeleton Archer - tararch.fbi 29c29 < maxvelocity = 1.2; --- > maxvelocity = 1.4; 57c57 < model = araarrow; --- > model = araarrow2; Iron Beak - tarbeak.fbi 12,13c12,13 < buildcost = 1863; < buildtime = 352; --- > buildcost = 1563; > buildtime = 302; 31c31 < healtime = 0.977777778; --- > healtime = 1.159087564; Black Knight - tarblack.fbi 20c20 < damagecategory = Human; --- > damagecategory = Tier1; 27c27 < maxdamage = 1700; --- > maxdamage = 2100; 65c65,69 < default = 189; --- > default = 289; > factory = 0.25; > fort = 0.25; > stalwart = 0.25; > tier1 = 1.25; Caged Demon - tarcage.fbi 20c20 < maxdamage = 4608; --- > maxdamage = 5100; 44c44 < range = 490; --- > range = 450; 53c53,54 < default = 245; --- > default = 295; > tier1 = 3.0; Rictus - tarcan.fbi 11,12c11,12 < buildcost = 3398; < buildtime = 428; --- > buildcost = 2898; > buildtime = 378; 30c30 < movementclass = HOVER3; --- > movementclass = HOVER2; 60c60 < range = 550; --- > range = 500; Blade Demon - tardemon.fbi 10c10 < buildcost = 1644; --- > buildcost = 1444; 25c25 < maxdamage = 6500; --- > maxdamage = 7500; 63a64 > tier1 = 2.0; Black Dragon - tardrag.fbi 11c11 < buildcost = 44587; --- > buildcost = 29666; 93c93 < areaofeffect = 60; --- > areaofeffect = 100; 115c115 < default = 796; --- > default = 1296; 131c131 < manapershot = 900; --- > manapershot = 1300; Abyss - tardung.fbi Fire Demon - tarfire.fbi 11,12c11,12 < buildcost = 1189; < buildtime = 204; --- > buildcost = 1889; > buildtime = 264; 25c25 < healtime = 0.85; --- > healtime = 1.1; Spawn of Belial - targod.fbi Temple - tarhell.fbi Kamikaze Rat - tarkam.fbi 11,12c11,12 < buildcost = 1682; < buildtime = 348; --- > buildcost = 1482; > buildtime = 318; 75c75 < areaofeffect = 203; --- > areaofeffect = 250; Sky Knight - tarknigh.fbi 34,35c34,35 < maxdamage = 4400; < maxvelocity = 4.5; --- > maxdamage = 4012; > maxvelocity = 3.5; Lich - tarlich.fbi 31c31 < maxvelocity = 1; --- > maxvelocity = 1.3; Fire Mage - tarmage.fbi 26c26 < maxdamage = 3500; --- > maxdamage = 4500; 29c29 < movementclass = GROUND4; --- > movementclass = GROUND5; 64c64 < range = 200; --- > range = 250; 73c73 < default = 469; --- > default = 569; 118c118 < range = 447; --- > range = 450; 128c128 < default = 300; --- > default = 350; Divine Lodestone - tarmana.fbi 4,5c4,5 < buildcost = 7399; < buildtime = 1055; --- > buildcost = 3299; > buildtime = 525; 11c11 < experiencepoints = 13; --- > experiencepoints = 30; 14c14 < healtime = 3.19696969; --- > healtime = 2.175; Mind Mage - tarmind.fbi 32c32 < movementclass = GROUND4; --- > movementclass = GROUND5; Lokken - tarnecro.fbi 10c10 < buildcost = 10; --- > buildcost = 100000; 13c13 < buildtime = 22500; --- > buildtime = 100000; 31,32c31,32 < experiencepoints = 151; < healtime = 93.75; --- > experiencepoints = 350; > healtime = 216.67; 88c88 < default = 790; --- > default = 990; 116c116,117 < default = 1020; --- > default = 1220; > dragon = 2.0; 151a153,154 > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; Dark Priest - tarpries.fbi 14c14 < buildcost = 6552; --- > buildcost = 4952; 18c18 < buildtime = 1282; --- > buildtime = 792; 34c34 < experiencepoints = 27; --- > experiencepoints = 50; 37c37 < healtime = 5.34167; --- > healtime = 3.3; 42c42 < maxdamage = 4000; --- > maxdamage = 3000; 45c45 < mogriumincome = 1; --- > mogriumincome = 5; 130c130 < areaofeffect = 80; --- > areaofeffect = 100; Mage Tower - tarsh.fbi 16c16 < experiencepoints = 55; --- > experiencepoints = 65; 20c20 < maxdamage = 17189; --- > maxdamage = 19189; 43c43 < emittime = 25; --- > emittime = 10; 52c52 < reloadtime = 3.8; --- > reloadtime = 2.4; 60c60,61 < default = 1350; --- > default = 1450; > tier1 = 2.0; Ghost Ship - tarship.fbi 40c40 < radardistance = 666; --- > radardistance = 300; 49c49 < transportdistance = 300; --- > transportdistance = 200; 80c80,83 < default = 311; --- > default = 211; > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; > stalwart = 0.25; Fire Spout - tarspout.fbi 28c28 < manarechargerate = 10; --- > manarechargerate = 15; 31c31 < maxmana = 1000; --- > maxmana = 1500; 63,64c63,64 < range = 255; < reloadtime = 3; --- > range = 350; > reloadtime = 2.3; Dark Mason - tartb.fbi 10c10 < buildcost = 615; --- > buildcost = 515; 27c27 < healtime = 0.72916; --- > healtime = 1.166666666; Executioner - tartroop.fbi 10,11c10,11 < buildcost = 296; < buildtime = 105; --- > buildcost = 326; > buildtime = 119; 20c20 < damagecategory = Human; --- > damagecategory = Tier1; 23c23 < experiencepoints = 8; --- > experiencepoints = 11; 55c55 < name = Mean Swordy; --- > name = Glaive of Death; 63a64,67 > fort = 0.5; > factory = 0.5; > stalwart = 0.5; > tier1 = 1.1; Weather Witch - tarwitch.fbi 79c79 < default = 50; --- > default = 150; 98c98 < range = 225; --- > range = 425; 107c107 < default = 492; --- > default = 792; Zombie - tarzom.fbi 11c11 < buildtime = 75; --- > buildtime = 55; 20d19 < corpse = tarzom_dead; 24c23 < experiencepoints = 3; --- > experiencepoints = 5; 27,28c26,27 < maxdamage = 1111; < maxvelocity = 1; --- > maxdamage = 3111; > maxvelocity = 0.8; 57c56 < reloadtime = 1.65; --- > reloadtime = 2.65; 63c62,65 < default = 350; --- > default = 175; > fort = 0.5; > factory = 0.5; > stalwart = 0.5; Crossbowman - verarch.fbi 20c20 < damagecategory = Human; --- > damagecategory = Tier1; 66a67,69 > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; > stalwart = 0.25; Sea Fort - verasy.fbi 5c5 < buildcost = 2340; --- > buildcost = 2040; 8c8 < buildtime = 585; --- > buildtime = 385; 19c19 < experiencepoints = 100; --- > experiencepoints = 150; Guard Tower - verat.fbi 20c20 < maxdamage = 4200; --- > maxdamage = 4700; 54a55,58 > tier1 = 2.0; > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; > stalwart = 0.25; 72a77,80 > tier1 = 2.0; > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; > stalwart = 0.25; Dirigible - verball.fbi 24c24 < experiencepoints = 33; --- > experiencepoints = 25; 116c116 < airship = 6; --- > airship = 4; Berserker - verbers.fbi 10,11c10,11 < buildcost = 682; < buildtime = 115; --- > buildcost = 782; > buildtime = 125; 24c24 < healtime = 0.479166667; --- > healtime = 0.5625; 36c36 < sightdistance = 90; --- > sightdistance = 110; 63c63 < default = 760; --- > default = 610; Citadel - vercastl.fbi 5c5 < buildcost = 8192; --- > buildcost = 9192; 20c20 < experiencepoints = 200; --- > experiencepoints = 300; Crusader - vercrus.fbi 16a17 > cantbecaptured = 1; 20c21 < damagecategory = Human; --- > damagecategory = stalwart; 26,27c27,28 < maxdamage = 4325; < maxvelocity = 1.5; --- > maxdamage = 4725; > maxvelocity = 1.3; 36c37 < sightdistance = 79; --- > sightdistance = 150; 63c64,66 < default = 615; --- > default = 715; > tier1 = 2.0; > undead = 1.5; Sea Dragon - verdrag.fbi 11c11 < buildcost = 49287; --- > buildcost = 34287; 93c93 < areaofeffect = 50; --- > areaofeffect = 100; 114c114 < default = 795; --- > default = 1295; 130c130 < manapershot = 900; --- > manapershot = 1300; Flagship - verflag.fbi 9c9 < builddistance = 75; --- > builddistance = 300; 69a70,72 > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; > stalwart = 0.25; Floating Tower - verfltwr.fbi 43c43 < aimtolerance = 500; --- > aimtolerance = 1024; 49,50c49,50 < range = 710; < reloadtime = 3; --- > range = 500; > reloadtime = 2.8; 59c59,62 < default = 1089; --- > default = 889; > tier1 = 2.0; > fort = 0.5; > factory = 0.5; Angel of Lihr - vergod.fbi 23c23 < floater = 0; --- > floater = 1; Harpoon Ship - verharp.fbi 25c25 < experiencepoints = 18; --- > experiencepoints = 28; 44c44 < transportcapacity = 16; --- > transportcapacity = 4; 47c47 < transportsizecapacity = 64; --- > transportsizecapacity = 16; 58c58 < aimtolerance = 1024; --- > aimtolerance = 500; 63c63 < range = 710; --- > range = 450; 74c74,77 < default = 1089; --- > default = 689; > naval = 0.5; > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; Amazon Knight - verknigh.fbi 26c26 < maxdamage = 2200; --- > maxdamage = 3433; 52c52 < aimtolerance = 120; --- > aimtolerance = 512; 54a55 > minrange = 100; 57,58c58,59 < range = 320; < reloadtime = 1.2; --- > range = 380; > reloadtime = 1.5; 68a70,71 > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; Priestess - verliege.fbi 14c14 < buildtime = 145; --- > buildtime = 175; 28c28 < healtime = 0.604166; --- > healtime = 1.166666666; Priest of Lihr - verlihr.fbi 11c11 < buildcost = 5292; --- > buildcost = 4592; 15c15 < buildtime = 911; --- > buildtime = 711; 29c29 < experiencepoints = 29; --- > experiencepoints = 50; 31c31 < healtime = 3.795833; --- > healtime = 2.9625; 37c37 < mogriumincome = 1; --- > mogriumincome = 5; Kirenna - vermage.fbi 28c28 < experiencepoints = 151; --- > experiencepoints = 350; 30,31c30,31 < healtime = 416.6666667; < manarechargerate = 10; --- > healtime = 216.67; > manarechargerate = 15; 33c33 < maxdamage = 14800; --- > maxdamage = 15800; 36c36 < mogriumincome = 10; --- > mogriumincome = 15; 112,113c112,113 < default = 2001; < monarch = 0.5; --- > default = 2201; > dragon = 2.0; 148a149,150 > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; Man of War - verman.fbi 25c25 < experiencepoints = 30; --- > experiencepoints = 40; 44c44 < transportcapacity = 20; --- > transportcapacity = 8; 47c47 < transportsizecapacity = 80; --- > transportsizecapacity = 32; 64c64 < range = 800; --- > range = 550; Divine Lodestone - vermana.fbi 4,5c4,5 < buildcost = 7655; < buildtime = 1119; --- > buildcost = 3655; > buildtime = 519; 11c11 < experiencepoints = 10; --- > experiencepoints = 30; 14c14 < healtime = 3.390909; --- > healtime = 2.175; Mortar - vermort.fbi 51a52 > minrange = 180; Musketeer - vermusk.fbi 23c23 < experiencepoints = 21; --- > experiencepoints = 15; Pillar of Light - verpill.fbi 7,8c7,8 < buildcost = 3008; < buildtime = 1899; --- > buildcost = 1308; > buildtime = 699; 15c15 < experiencepoints = 12; --- > experiencepoints = 20; 18c18 < healtime = 3.165; --- > healtime = 1.525; Catapult - verpult.fbi 11,12c11,12 < buildcost = 667; < buildtime = 159; --- > buildcost = 1367; > buildtime = 239; 24,25c24,25 < experiencepoints = 32; < healtime = 0.6625; --- > experiencepoints = 25; > healtime = 0.995833; 27c27 < maxdamage = 2289; --- > maxdamage = 1289; 29c29 < movementclass = GROUND4; --- > movementclass = GROUND5; 59a60 > minrange = 180; 74c75,77 < default = 1513; --- > default = 1013; > fort = 1.25; > factory = 1.25; Repair Skiff - verscout.fbi 7,8c7,8 < buildcost = 384; < buildtime = 225; --- > buildcost = 884; > buildtime = 205; 24c24 < experiencepoints = 12; --- > experiencepoints = 22; 27c27 < healtime = 0.9375; --- > healtime = 1.3888; 29c29 < maxdamage = 2750; --- > maxdamage = 2250; 32c32 < name = Skiff; --- > name = Repair Skiff; 43c43 < transportcapacity = 4; --- > transportcapacity = 1; 46c46 < transportsizecapacity = 16; --- > transportsizecapacity = 4; 52a53,61 > > [AdjustJoy] > { > adjustment = 45; > affectsenemy = 0; > edgeeffectiveness = 1; > radius = 150; > } > 60,61c69,70 < range = 580; < reloadtime = 1.8; --- > range = 480; > reloadtime = 2.5; 69a79,81 > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; > stalwart = 0.25; Warrior - versword.fbi 20c20 < damagecategory = Human; --- > damagecategory = Tier1; 63a64,66 > fort = 0.5; > factory = 0.5; > stalwart = 0.5; Bastion - vertower.fbi 20c20 < maxdamage = 17975; --- > maxdamage = 19975; 50c50 < reloadtime = 3.2; --- > reloadtime = 2.8; 61a62 > tier1 = 2.0; Transport Ship - vertrans.fbi 8c8 < buildcost = 2333; --- > buildcost = 1133; 60,61c60,61 < range = 580; < reloadtime = 1.8; --- > range = 450; > reloadtime = 2.4; 69c69,72 < default = 282; --- > default = 243; > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; > stalwart = 0.25; Trebuchet Ship - vertre.fbi 8,9c8,9 < buildcost = 5843; < buildtime = 374; --- > buildcost = 7843; > buildtime = 574; 24c24 < experiencepoints = 41; --- > experiencepoints = 51; 26c26 < healtime = 1.558333333; --- > healtime = 2.39166667; 60,61c60,62 < range = 2537; < reloadtime = 5; --- > minrange = 500; > range = 2037; > reloadtime = 7; Basilisk - zonbasil.fbi 21c21 < damagecategory = Monster; --- > damagecategory = stalwart; 24c24 < experiencepoints = 14; --- > experiencepoints = 20; 28c28 < maxdamage = 900; --- > maxdamage = 1900; 31c31 < movementclass = GROUND4; --- > movementclass = GROUND5; 44,45c44,45 < turninplacerate = 400; < turnrate = 300; --- > turninplacerate = 600; > turnrate = 450; Ancient Dragon - zondrag.fbi 11c11 < buildcost = 47114; --- > buildcost = 32114; 94c94 < areaofeffect = 60; --- > areaofeffect = 100; 113c113 < default = 774; --- > default = 1274; 129c129 < manapershot = 900; --- > manapershot = 1300; Drake - zondrake.fbi 11,12c11,12 < buildcost = 3004; < buildtime = 379; --- > buildcost = 2504; > buildtime = 301; 30c30 < healtime = 1.052777778; --- > healtime = 0.836111111; 35,36c35,36 < maxdamage = 2786; < maxvelocity = 3.5; --- > maxdamage = 2516; > maxvelocity = 4.5; 67c67 < reloadtime = 4.5; --- > reloadtime = 3.25; Sacred Fire - zonfire.fbi 23d22 < onoffable = 1; Stone Giant - zongiant.fbi Death Totem - zonglyph.fbi 4,5c4,5 < buildcost = 5582; < buildtime = 610; --- > buildcost = 3082; > buildtime = 310; 16c16 < experiencepoints = 39; --- > experiencepoints = 40; 19,20c19,20 < healtime = 1.270833333; < maxdamage = 13432; --- > healtime = 0.650; > maxdamage = 6430; 40a41 > emittime = 5; 48c49 < range = 607; --- > range = 550; 57c58,59 < default = 492; --- > default = 525; > tier1 = 2.0; Goblin - zongob.fbi 10,11c10,11 < buildcost = 173; < buildtime = 78; --- > buildcost = 183; > buildtime = 108; 19c19 < damagecategory = Monster; --- > damagecategory = Tier1; 62a63,65 > fort = 3.0; > factory = 3.0; > siege = 3.0; Wrath of Tammuz - zongod.fbi Gryphon - zongryp.fbi 11,12c11,12 < buildcost = 859; < buildtime = 169; --- > buildcost = 1359; > buildtime = 199; 29c29 < healtime = 0.469444444; --- > healtime = 0.552777777; 31c31 < maxdamage = 1911; --- > maxdamage = 1721; 58,60c58,61 < explosionclass = small dust puff; < model = zonterspear; < name = Throwing spear; --- > explosionclass = teeny explosion; > firestarter = 1; > model = araarrow2; > name = Flaming spear; 70c71,72 < default = 340; --- > default = 350; > fort = 1.1; Beast Handler - zonhand.fbi 22c22 < damagecategory = monster; --- > damagecategory = stalwart; 25c25 < experiencepoints = 6; --- > experiencepoints = 20; 28c28 < maxdamage = 1401; --- > maxdamage = 3401; 69c69 < default = 180; --- > default = 480; Harpy - zonharp.fbi 11c11 < buildcost = 2562; --- > buildcost = 2762; 25c25 < damagetype = monster; --- > damagecategory = monster; Thirsha - zonhunt.fbi 11c11 < buildcost = 10; --- > buildcost = 100000; 14c14 < buildtime = 22500; --- > buildtime = 100000; 32c32 < experiencepoints = 151; --- > experiencepoints = 350; 35c35 < healtime = 93.75; --- > healtime = 216.67; 39c39 < manarechargerate = 20; --- > manarechargerate = 15; 41c41 < maxdamage = 9244; --- > maxdamage = 9500; 93c93 < default = 1031; --- > default = 1231; 119c119,120 < default = 1455; --- > default = 1655; > dragon = 2.0; 154a156,157 > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; Kraken - zonkrak.fbi 10c10 < buildcost = 768; --- > buildcost = 1768; 24c24 < experiencepoints = 17; --- > experiencepoints = 27; 29c29 < maxvelocity = 3.1; --- > maxvelocity = 4.1; 66c66,67 < default = 790; --- > default = 250; > naval = 3.0; Lodestone - zonlode.fbi 15c15 < maxdamage = 15680; --- > maxdamage = 10680; Beast Lord - zonlord.fbi 26c26 < damagecategory = monster; --- > damagecategory = stalwart; 29c29 < experiencepoints = 10; --- > experiencepoints = 45; 32c32 < maxdamage = 4300; --- > maxdamage = 7300; 67c67 < range = 500; --- > range = 400; 71c71,72 < type = Ballistic; --- > turnrate = 180; > type = Guided; 79c80 < default = 200; --- > default = 550; Divine Lodestone - zonmana.fbi 4,5c4,5 < buildcost = 6556; < buildtime = 1101; --- > buildcost = 3550; > buildtime = 501; 11c11 < experiencepoints = 10; --- > experiencepoints = 30; 14,15c14,15 < healtime = 3.3363636; < maxdamage = 15092; --- > healtime = 2.175; > maxdamage = 25092; Jungle Orc - zonorc.fbi 10,11c10,11 < buildcost = 1397; < buildtime = 195; --- > buildcost = 1497; > buildtime = 245; 23c23 < healtime = 0.8125; --- > healtime = 1.0208333; 25c25 < maxdamage = 4612; --- > maxdamage = 8612; Roc - zonroc.fbi 10c10 < brakerate = 0.25; --- > brakerate = 0.05; 27c27 < experiencepoints = 7; --- > experiencepoints = 15; 32c32 < maxdamage = 2100; --- > maxdamage = 7100; 52c52 < transportdistance = 154; --- > transportdistance = 300; Shaman - zonsham.fbi 11c11 < buildcost = 6899; --- > buildcost = 4599; 15c15 < buildtime = 905; --- > buildtime = 705; 24c24 < damagecategory = monster; --- > damagecategory = stalwart; 27c27 < experiencepoints = 36; --- > experiencepoints = 50; 30c30 < maxdamage = 2341; --- > maxdamage = 2841; 32c32 < mogriumincome = 1; --- > mogriumincome = 5; 77c77 < emittime = 34; --- > emittime = 5; 94c94 < default = 626; --- > default = 926; Hunter - zonter.fbi 20c20 < damagecategory = monster; --- > damagecategory = Tier1; 67a68,70 > fort = 0.25; > factory = 0.25; > stalwart = 0.25; Beast Tamer - zontrain.fbi 25c25 < damagecategory = monster; --- > damagecategory = stalwart; 28c28 < experiencepoints = 15; --- > experiencepoints = 30; 32c32 < maxdamage = 1751; --- > maxdamage = 4751; Troll - zontroll.fbi 20c20 < damagecategory = Monster; --- > damagecategory = Tier1; 57c57 < reloadtime = 1.6; --- > reloadtime = 1.7;